A long time ago we used to have an old foot operated sewing machine in our garage. At the time I didn't realize how precious it was, and now I have no idea what has become of it. Sometimes there is still alot of life left in old, discarded, broken, useless or even ugly everyday household items and comsumables. So before you chuck out, check out some of these nifty ideas and reconsider. You never know what alternative use there might be for your scraps. Here are some of my favourite reinventions.
This old sewing table has been transformed into a bathroom beauty with very litle effort.
I think this table looks sooo nice in the kitchen. Very homey.
If you don't have an old sewing machine, maybe you know of an old sink laying around somewhere. I think these flowers look beautiful in their out of the ordinary home.
Every house has a stack of old magazines laying around somewhere. Tokyo-based artist Koshi Kawachi uses old comic books to grow plants in. It's called Manga Farming. Now that is what I call recycling!
Not a big comic fan? Well you must have one or two old books floating on a shelf somewhere. Try this:
Believe it or not, these bookends are old tub feet!
If you have a few more books than that, why not grab that old ladder out of the garage?
One last one for today:
Wow, I feel like going home and transforming eveything in sight! I will try and post some of these regularly from now on. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Get creating people!