Saturday, July 17, 2010

Do I get a refund for my Saturday officer?

Let me paint a picture for you. I am sitting in a typical Internet shop in the city. I am nibbling at a packet of fruity Skittles, and typing this post. What, would you ask yourself is so extraordinary about this scenario? Well I'll tell you. I am currently being held semi-hostage. Yes. I lived in South Africa for 22 years, and now, just on the brink of my 6months Aussie anniversary, I am a hostage. What are the chances? Apparently in my case, very good.

The day started like every other day. Well I suppose that depends on who and where you are. I suppose if you are the Queen for instance, your day would start a bit different than mine. But for me it's just the usual. I went for a bit of shopping and decided to pop into an Internet shop to Skype some friends and family. Big mistake. Big big mistake.

I noticed a police man wandering up and down in front of the window, but thought nothing of it. I have realized that Perth police are everywhere, even when nothing is happening , they are like background music to the city. Then I started noticing some of my fellow Intenet cafe-ers taking pictures with their cellphones out the window. So I decided to have a peep. Apparently there has been a naked man with a gun up on a billboard just outside the establishment for about 3hours. How unobservant of me not to notice a naked man with gun, just goes to show.

Anyway, so here I am, nibbling at my Skittles. I have seen tons and tons of American movies, and I always wonder, what would I do if I had to be in a situation like that, and here I am. Sort of.
It's not what I imagined. First of all, I wish that I had decided to grab coffee instead of broadband. Let me tell you, an Internet cafe is not exactly the best place to be stuck in right now. Granted, at least we have Internet.

The man has thrown down his gun now, but is still up on the billboard. It's getting dark outside. I am freezing my butt off, can't imagine how he's holding up with no clothes at all. And worst of all, I have had a pee for the last 3 hours. And I asked the Chinese man behind the counter where the ladies room was, but couldn't understand what he said. Accents are a bitch.

What can we learn from this friends? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What a complete waste of a perfectly good Saturday. I hope where ever you are, that you are having a better time that what I am. It can't be too difficult.

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