Monday, September 6, 2010

Confessions of a (insert addiction here) holic

I’m not sure when it started. Long ago I guess. I did it very discreetly at first and I promised myself it was the first and the last time. I’m just a regular girl and I thought I could control it , but I was wrong.I do it almost every day now....mostly when I’m in the shower... or at the bus stop, sometimes even at work. I try really hard not to, but it catches me off guard and  happens before I can stop myself. If there happen to be other people around when it does happen, they look at me with judging stares. I don't care, I know they probably do it too. Everyone does it, they just don't want to admit to it. So what't the big deal?

Hallo my name is (insert name here) …………And I talk to myself.

Maybe if more people admitted to doing the "shameful" things that everyone know everyone else does anyway, it wouldn't be so taboo. Socially acceptable behaviour is dictated by the boundaries we set for ourselves with the amount of transparency which we attribute to everyday actions. I don't mean that we all should be picking our noses and scratching our asses at the supermarket, but surely a solo conversation is not the end of the world people.

 “Cue the applause and warm fuzzy non-judgmental greetings from fellow solo conversationists”

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