Monday, February 7, 2011

My school teachers would not approve..

I love opshopping. And I love boos. And the only thing that I love more than opshopping and books, is opshopping for books!

I love opening up a bended, beat up book to see if anyone wrote a special note inside. Sometimes the notes are more special than others. One time I found a tiny little note inside one of my second hand books. It was really bad handwriting and it baffled me for days. I finally took my book into work one day and asked the girls who worked with me to help solve the mystery. Turns out it said: Sorry I could not come to the concert, I had diarrhea.
It was really bad handwriting and really bad spelilng. Needless to say, I didn't hold on to that one.

However the other day, whilst shopping for new goodies for my new house, I picked up a dictionary for some reason. It has the sweetest inscription, and I thought I would share it:

People write funny, inspiring, romantic and impressive inscriptions to loved ones, and yet somehow, they end up on someone else's bookshelf.
The Book Inscritpion Project is a dedicates space where people can submit their strange and wonderful inscritptions.
Here is just one of my favourite ones:

This one is a note found inside a book, it says: Note to self, eat more fiber, drink lots of water.
Back to basics. I like it.

This is the inscription that started the Book Inscription Project. It reads:

Joey, I love you Soo much, You have surpassed the definition for all. I will always cherish our orgasmic moments. Love +  Resistance, Mark

So if you inscribe, think carefully, you never know where it might end up. And remember, eat more fiber, drink lots of water.

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