Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ring a Ring o' Rosies

I’m always happy to share my strange and wonderful love and appreciation for the small things in life. Some people like rain. Some individuals might love bright colours. Some people may get excited at the thought of their favourite flavour of ice-cream. Some live for a familiar song.

Me. What floats my boat? Nothing makes me more content than a decent pair of pockets.

Yes. Pockets.

Pockets are like extra mini handbags attached to your outfit. You can never lose it or leave it behind and it will always match what you’re wearing! Bonus.

It’s just that extra little bit of space that you need for lipbalm, a chewy, and most of the times, a ball of useless lint to fiddle with in a mind numbing meeting.

I truly feel sorry for all the beautiful skirts, jackets and pants out there that have no pockets. I never seem to quite get over the disappointment of picking up a beautiful piece of clothing, only to realize that it has no pockets.

The only thing greater than that disappointment is the sheer exhilarating joy I feel when I find an already lovely piece of clothing only to discover that it has pockets! I’m not proud of it, but I have even found myself buying clothes ONLY for the pockets. My beloved floral apron for instance, not the prettiest apron I ever came across, but it has the most perfectly sized and shaped pocket ever. I can comfortably fit a whisk, my phone, a small recipe book and maybe even an iPod in there. What more can a girl ask for?

If pockets float my boat, then surely this must be the iceberg to my Titanic: Fake pockets. Hmm. You heard me. Fake Pockets.

I have been a victim to his monstrosity one too many times. To buy a pair of pants, already imagining the lovely, yet equally useless things that I am going to fill my pockets with only to realize when I get home that the “pockets”, are nothing more than deceitful surface stitching.

Why even go through the trouble of making it look like pockets? Shameful.

Some people argue that pockets are not flattering on women’s attire. Apparently it makes us look fat. What do I have to say to this? Practicality people! Purpose always trumps curves. Fact. I would rather look fat and have somewhere to put my parking ticket, than look fabulous with my fake pockets.

Sometimes pockets can even be like little mini-time capsules. You might pick a jacket out the baaaaack of your closet only to discover a long forgotten range of interesting yet quizzically alarming items stashed in the pockets. Sometimes you’re dead unlucky and you might find an old tissue, other times the best you can hope for is a twenty. Either way, you never know what you might rediscover in your little mini-handbag.

The best things in life might be free, but I also truly believe that the best things in life are the things we fail to appreciate every single day. Like pockets.


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